The scene faded from black to show the Intercontinental championship belt, the camera zoomed out to show the belt draped over the champion's shoulder. Green Bay's loudest asshole Mr. Kenneth Kennedy, already sporting his ring attire consisting of blue trunks and wrestling gear, a black T-shirt and an olive cap. The camera continued zooming out to display the surroundings... The room was rather small, dirty, the floor was uncarpeted, no fancy furnishing, no LCD screens, no champagne, no tables with fancy food. A lightbulb dangling from the ceiling was the only source of light.
Mr. Kennedy: This is where it all started. At least for me... We are in what hard workers who had busted their asses for years will recognize instantly. A dark, dirty, humid, smelly locker room... Don't like the scenery? Go watch Avatar then.
Ken accommodated the most prized item in the whole room over his shoulder and continued speaking.
Mr. Kennedy: Why are we here? Because you are supposed to learn from your history and mistakes, so you don't repeat them... Most of us EBWF Superstars started up in places like this...
Ken spread his arms to show his surroundings.
Mr. Kennedy: Yet I hear a lot of people bitching about not having a suite, a private jet and main events every single week. They have fame. Fortune. Yet still, they are unhappy! It is as if getting a foot rub is more valuable than a standing ovation. There are some that get more TV times than others, merchandising, popularity...
Ken pulled the Intercontinental title belt off his shoulder and took a gaze at his reflection on the golden prize.
Mr. Kennedy: Unfortunately, not all of us can't be champions. Not all of us can go to Howard Stern and be celebrities... But coming from someone who took two years to wrap one of these fancy belts around his waist... Let me tell you this: A championship belt doesn't make you more important, nor does earning six figure paychecks at the end of the year, or doing fancy interviews on television. I have wondered what was it like to have a huge ass belt wrapped around your waist... I still see no difference, my assholes still love me and cheer for me wherever I go... What I am trying to say is... I've seen men made and broken with and without the aid of fame and fortune. If you forget where you came from, it is likely you will forget where you are going.
Ken proudly placed the belt back on top of his shoulder.
Mr. Kennedy: Like my opponent for tonight's match... AJ Styles. I've said it a million times, I really admired him when he came out there every week and delivered, putting his career on the line to get people off their seats, and to get them to chant his name... Somewhere down the line he forgot he once started in a place like this, earning a misery or perhaps not even enough for gas money. Everyone said: AJ Styles has got potential... Watch out for that kid with the funny hoodies... He is going to be the next big thing. Here we are a bunch of years later and he didn't disappoint. Funny hoodies or not, he is on top of the world... He is headlining WrestleMania Eleven, something I could only dream of... Something that AJ Styles deserves to be congratulated for.
Ken dragged a steel chair from one of the corners of the room and set it under the light bulb... Sitting down.
Mr. Kennedy: But we all know that story... So I'm not going to repeat it. Boy that kid reminds me of someone! Someone who started out in EBWF and took out every single opponent out. Soon the spotlight was on him and title shot after title shot, he failed to capitalize... Until now. This kid thought it was all about talent and hard work in the gym, about being a fan favorite and getting crowd to chant his name... I'm not saying that's not important! But focusing on what is more important is crucial if you want to make it big time in this business. Wishing for a title shot isn't going to get you the win... Celebrations on the ring, pretty girls, taylor made suits aren't necessary to be World Champion, and can be very misleading on the path to victory, on the path to WrestleMania.
Ken leaned into the camera.
Mr. Kennedy: This is what I've tried to show you for the past months AJ, you don't need Trilogy to be where you are standing, nor their pompous and pedantic antics... Let's sum it up, AJ. Did you get your contract here in EBWF because of Trilogy? Did you become the Intercontinental champion because of Trilogy? Did you win the Royal Rumble because of Trilogy? Are you going to WrestleMania because of Trilogy? You don't have to answer those but...
Ken tapped his forehead slowly with his index a couple of times.
Mr. Kennedy: Keep them here... You know AJ, this Cage match is the least of your problems. And don't get me wrong, the tension in Trilogy or the responsibility of main eventing the most popular wrestling event in the world aren't nearly as big. Your major concern is that you've forgotten how to fight your battles alone. You've forgotten to let your ring abilities do the talking for you... You've become and asshole! Not to mention it infuriates me when people rip me off. All joking aside... AJ, are you happy? Are you satisfied? If being second best isn't so bad, why won't you admit I am better than you? Why don't you go down without a fight? Why do you come back? What are you trying to prove? You say you want to prove you've been mistreated by the EBWF fans, then why aren't you proving them you are the best by going for the World Title? Are you giving up your desires for a couple of broads and mimosas on the back of a rented limousine? You can be puzzling sometimes, AJ. I haven't figured you out completely... What is it exactly that you want? You say you're better than me and want to pin me to show the world the truth... Yet there you are, knelt before The Miz, with a clear shot at his title.
Ken sat back and let out a long sigh.
Mr. Kennedy: This past month has been pretty intense, I mean... There are moments where I think I'm not in EBWF but in UC Fucking W... Chair shots, street fights, stitches, bar brawls... British whores... Anyway, one month has passed since we locked horns. Have you ever wondered why every single time we've collided in that ring, or in a bar or in the parking lot... I came on top?
Ken tapped his forehead slowly with his index a couple of times.
Mr. Kennedy: Keep them here... You know AJ, this Cage match is the least of your problems. And don't get me wrong, the tension in Trilogy or the responsibility of main eventing the most popular wrestling event in the world aren't nearly as big. Your major concern is that you've forgotten how to fight your battles alone. You've forgotten to let your ring abilities do the talking for you... You've become and asshole! Not to mention it infuriates me when people rip me off. All joking aside... AJ, are you happy? Are you satisfied? If being second best isn't so bad, why won't you admit I am better than you? Why don't you go down without a fight? Why do you come back? What are you trying to prove? You say you want to prove you've been mistreated by the EBWF fans, then why aren't you proving them you are the best by going for the World Title? Are you giving up your desires for a couple of broads and mimosas on the back of a rented limousine? You can be puzzling sometimes, AJ. I haven't figured you out completely... What is it exactly that you want? You say you're better than me and want to pin me to show the world the truth... Yet there you are, knelt before The Miz, with a clear shot at his title.
Ken sat back and let out a long sigh.
Mr. Kennedy: This past month has been pretty intense, I mean... There are moments where I think I'm not in EBWF but in UC Fucking W... Chair shots, street fights, stitches, bar brawls... British whores... Anyway, one month has passed since we locked horns. Have you ever wondered why every single time we've collided in that ring, or in a bar or in the parking lot... I came on top?
Ken closed his eyes and briefly paused.
Mr. Kennedy: FOCUS. I am determined on showing the EBWF fans I am here to stay, I am here to deliver... Main event or not, title or not... There I am, week after week, balls to the wall. Are you AJ? Or are you bitching about how you can't bathe yourself in champagne in your five star hotel suite? What do you want? What is the path you are following? Come WrestleMania, I hope everything clears up for you.
Ken slowly raised from the steel chair and walked into the back of the room. Out of a rusty locker, he took out the infamous chain from their Fallout match. Watching it dangle from side to side as he held it on his left hand with his fist closed... He walked towards a nearby trash can and dumped the chain inside.
Mr. Kennedy: I really, really hope that with all those chain blows and punches I have gotten some sense inside your head. Tonight's cage match will not only be a physical test, and a test of endurance... It is going to be the night were you are going to show me what are you going to do about this... What are you going to choose... Fame and Fortune? Or eternal glory and Immortality in the hearts of the EBWF fans... In the hearts of my assholes.
Ken returned to the chair and sat once again, the belt still over his right shoulder.
Mr. Kennedy: Do you want to know something funny? I am actually rooting for you to win at WrestleMania. If you beat me I will tell you why. Tonight there is only one way to beat me, and that is focusing... If you have your mind set on something else I will roll you up again and beat you, or bust you open while you're scheming against those who have mocked you... AJ, you had so much on your plate something inevitably fell from the edges of your plate... It will happen more and more if you don't focus on what's most important.
Ken tilted his head back slowly.
Mr. Kennedy: Why this sudden "change of heart" you ask? When I came to EBWF I thought I was destined for greatness... My contract was juicy, my matches were always top tier and main events, my merchandise was sold out sooner than any other's... But that didn't get me the Intercontinental title nor the World Title. AJ Styles I wish there had been someone back then to tell me where I was screwing up... Maybe everything would've been different... I don't want you to learn a tough lesson the hard way, and that sounds hilarious when I remember I busted you open with a chain for you to notice you were wrong. You've earned your spot with blood, sweat and tears AJ Styles, but if you take your eyes off the target you will fall... Not everything that shines is gold.
Ken tilted his head back slowly.
Mr. Kennedy: Why this sudden "change of heart" you ask? When I came to EBWF I thought I was destined for greatness... My contract was juicy, my matches were always top tier and main events, my merchandise was sold out sooner than any other's... But that didn't get me the Intercontinental title nor the World Title. AJ Styles I wish there had been someone back then to tell me where I was screwing up... Maybe everything would've been different... I don't want you to learn a tough lesson the hard way, and that sounds hilarious when I remember I busted you open with a chain for you to notice you were wrong. You've earned your spot with blood, sweat and tears AJ Styles, but if you take your eyes off the target you will fall... Not everything that shines is gold.
Ken sat back as the scene faded to the EBWF.net Logo.